Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The importance of road safety

As a student, I always wanted my voice to have an outreach so that I could share my

experience about the one thing that goes unnoticed in our daily lives- life on the roads. I’m

thankful to the IRSC (Indian Road Safety Campaign) for providing me a platform where I

could try and influence those who will connect with my words and where I could make an


Being an Indian, one should never underestimate the importance of road safety. Too often

people casually stroll down the lane, unaware of the danger that lurks in their surroundings.

India is a country where you have to look both ways before crossing a one way road. Always

in a state of hurry, some drivers don’t pay heed to the traffic rules. Lack of education,

impatience and lack of strictness in the traffic police are a lot of factors that lead to this road

rage and the results are catastrophic. When people talk about causes of death, they often

turn a blind eye to the threat they are under while they are on the road, be it walking or in a

vehicle. This carelessness results in numbers that’ll shock you to the core of your heart. Over

1,37,000 people were killed in road accidents in 2013 alone, that is more than the number

of people killed in all our wars put together. 16 children die on Indian roads daily. These

statistics emphasise the fact there is a huge need to pay attention to this issue.

Like most people, I never really gave it any thought despite having a glance occasionally in

the newspapers or on television about these accidents. But then came the day when a close

relative was hit by a van from behind, while he was on his bike. Blood was splattered

everywhere and he was taken to a hospital just in time for his life to be saved. No doubt it

was the driver’s fault who was in way too much hurry to even stick around and take him to a

hospital. He just fled the scene. That was an eye-opener and I would suggest people to not

wait for an accident to happen before they stop taking this issue lightly. Parents need to be

really attentive towards their children from the very beginning and teach them all the basics

about traffic rules and crossing of road alongside the education that school provides. If we

all inculcate in ourselves a little more patience, it’ll prevent so many mishaps from taking

place and the world would certainly be a better place.


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